Maybe you have a serious problem. Maybe you don’t, but how do you know? Those creepy things that have been growing in your heating and cooling ducts for several years. Are they dangerous? Lets find out together.

You might have a young child who is sensitive to certain kinds of dust.  That dust keeps blowing through your home every time the furnace blower comes on.  It doesn’t matter if it’s summer or winter.  The dust keeps on blowing … and you keep sneezing.

Really.  It’s time to get those creepy things cleaned out of the system.  Make your home better than new again.

And the pet hair.  It’s down there too.  It might not even be from your pets.  If your house had a previous owner, you have no way to know what’s lurking under your floors and behind your walls.

Get It Out!

Call us to make your ventilation system cleaner than new.

It might be time for us to come if:

  1. You smell musty or stale odors when the furnace runs.
  2. Anyone in the house has allergies or asthma
  3. You notice dust on your furniture shorty after cleaning
  4. You have dogs, cats, or other pets
  5. Your furnace uses a throw-away filter

Remember: New houses still have dust and grunge that falls into the system as it is built, it is still there unless you call us to clean your system

Eric Brands

Don’t wait till you have an emergency. Schedule a regular duct cleaning appointment to keep your family safe! Call us to schedule a cleaning!
BPI Duct Cleaning:
(815) 772-4512